Starting in 2024 we are offering parents, grandparents, friends of players the opportunity to honor All-Star players, individuals or groups of (same high school team, for instance)
with Event Program inserts—photos, text, etc. (see the example, here ). All the net proceeds derived from this sponsorship will go towards the Hanover Lions Charitable Foundation
charitable giving account, where it will be redistributed into the community in the form of charitable donations, help with eyesight and hearing problems for those that can’t afford,
sponsorship of capital projects that benefit the community, etc. (please view a summary of the Hanover Lions charitable donations, service projects and capital project sponsorships, here).
The following is a schedule of insert sizes and costs available, based on an 8 ½” x 11” page size (with some allowances made for page margins); please note that the insert costs are
significantly lower than what we ask of corporate and business sponsor/advertisers:
FULL-PAGE –8 ½” X 11”: $350
HALF-PAGE—4 ¼ X 11” or 5 ½” x 8 ½”: $200
QUARTER-PAGE—4 ¼” X 5 ½”: $100
ONE-EIGHTH PAGE (Business card size)—2 1/8” X 2 ¾”: $50
Send checks, made out to the “Hanover Lions Charitable Foundation”, to:
Star Johnson
15 Buck Rd.
Hanover, NH 03755